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Newest Book by Best-Selling Author

Jules Price

Don't Eat the Scraps Front Half of Cover

Now Available!


Order an Autographed Copy, eBook, or Paperback today!

“Don't Eat the Scraps” describes the crucial and (as of now!) unknown theory of dating in the first six to eight week period of a new relationship, when women everywhere find themselves scratching their head asking themselves the chin-quivering question, “Where did it all go wrong?”


In a light-hearted, provocative and hilarious way, Jules' Rules lays out all the things that women need to know to navigate, step-by-step, the first months of any current relationship, armed with some of the soundest advice they’ll ever receive to overcome future hurdles (and scraps).  It is your one-stop guide to navigating and thriving in the dating world... and have a few out-loud chuckles along the way.

Book Trailer for "Don't Eat the Scraps" by Jules Price

Book Trailer for "Don't Eat the Scraps" by Jules Price

"Don't Eat the Scraps" describes the crucial and (as of now!) unknown theory of a behavior that men exhibit in the first six to eight weeks in dating. Women everywhere find themselves scratching their head, asking themselves the chin-quivering question, "Where did it all go wrong?" In a lighthearted, provocative and hilarious way, Jules lays out all the things that women need to know in order to navigate, step-by-step, through the first months of any relationship, armed with some of the soundest Jules' Rules dating advice they'll ever receive to overcome future hurdles (and scraps!). It is a one-stop guide to thriving in the murky waters of the dating world... and have a few out-loud chuckles along the way. Why aren't MEN allowed to read the book, you ask? It is not a male-bashing book by any means! But if they were to become aware of their own unintended pattern of scrap-flinging behaviors, they would start implementing anywhere from minuscule to dangerously large changes that would ultimately affect the entire balance of this delicate relationship equation. Armed with this new alarming knowledge, men's behavior would most certainly morph into some kind of odd and unique strain of the original virus that would be much harder to identify, combat, and eventually eradicate! We simply need more women to understand that this pattern exists so that we don't misconstrue their intentions, and we can all live harmoniously. So please, for the sake of all man and womankind, no men allowed... A MUST-READ, hilarious and considerate insight into how men and women interact and ultimately misunderstand each other's intentions. Here's the secret key to go from "Scrappiness" to "Happiness!!" Available now on Amazon at:



A couple years ago, over many cocktails, pedicures, and evening workouts, I spilled my heart out to Jules about the many confusing romantic predicaments in which I found myself. Her “scraps theory” was a bright light in the dark tunnel of late-20’s dating. Suddenly, the baffling behaviors of the men in my life started to make a lot more sense. I kept Jules’ theory close to my heart and remembered it every time someone promised me “the moon and more” a little too early on in a relationship. Her wisdom saved me from investing too much of my heart and mind in the wrong people, and allowed me to recognize when someone of quality came along. I know it will do the same for many others!



Pan African Sanctuary Alliance, Portland, ME

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